Software para la clasificación y conteo de vehículos en autopistas basado en aprendizaje automático y visión artificial
Machine learning, artificial vision, classification, vehiclesAbstract
This article describes the development of software for counting and classifying vehicles for highways in Mexico, through image recognition using artificial vision and machine learning; contour detection and the background subtraction method were used for counting vehicles; For the classification, detection of Haar-type characteristics is used, as well as the Viola-Jones algorithm, Haar cascade, the development of the application was achieved using the OOHDM methodology. The tests were carried out at the junction of the Cardel-Poza Rica Highway and the Gutiérrez Zamora-Tihuatlán Highway. With the use of image recognition to identify and count vehicles, the number of devices that currently make up a gauge or vehicle classification system is reduced, improving its effectiveness and performance. Currently this technology is only applied for traffic monitoring, queue detection and intelligent transport systems.
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