Transferencia de calor por el uso de insertos en un serpentín de intercambiador de calor agua-aire
Heat, Transfer, InsertsAbstract
The experimental theoretical study of the effect of adhering inserts to the internal surface of a heat exchanger coil have presented. The coil is asymmetrical placed inside a hot water tank, the inserts are rectangular metal plates placed alternately. From experimental data, the friction factor have obtained at the same time that empirical correlations of the friction factor are generated based on the roughness ratio (e/D) and pitch (h/D) to obtain the length of the inserts and the separation between them, which provides the maximum heat transfer capacity. Maximum Nusselt is obtained with the empirical correlations and compared with real values of the coil, as well as, considering that the coil is smooth, the average values are, Nui=659, Nur=149 and Nul=69.5, respectively. Which verifies that the use of inserts is significant in heat transfer.
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