Remoción de hidrocarburo en un suelo de manglar en el estado de Tabasco
Soil, Hydrocarbon, MangroveAbstract
The Southeast Region of the Mexican Republic is the most important oil zone since it occupies second place as a producer of hydrocarbons at the national level. However, indirectly these processes have affected the ecosystems in the state of Tabasco, among which are the soils of coastal areas where plant species such as mangroves predominate. These events have created the need to implement technologies for the restoration of contaminated sites at low cost and, short times. The Fenton reaction is an advanced oxidation process (AOP) that offers advantages such as speed and efficiency in the degradation of organic compounds. In this work, the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons (HTP) and its SARA fractions was, quantified, based on the Fenton reaction in which the type of acid (H2SO4, HNO3and, HCl) and the percentage of the oxidizing agent (were varied 30% and 50%). The results show elimination of HTP. However, the oxidizing agent nfluences the removal for some acids since, although H2SO4showed the same removal for 30% and 50% H2O2, HNO3 showed improvements from 40% to 53% of HTP (30 % and 50% of H2O2, respectively). In contrast, HCl showed the opposite, going from 70% to 58% of HTP (30% and 50% of H 2O2, respectively).
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