Restauración biológica de un suelo contaminado con petróleo mediante la aplicación de un hongo petrofílico productores de biosurfactante
Aspergillus, Bioremediation, BiosurfactantAbstract
Oil is the basis of the economy of many countries, its production is mainly located in the Gulf of Mexico, with the Tabasco territory being the most important. In addition to its production, there are environmental disasters. To minimize its impact, studies have been carried out based on petrophilic microorganisms, with fungal strains being the least studied. Therefore, in this research, a petrophilic fungus was evaluated, with the ability to synthesize surfactants to optimize bioremediation. Under in-vitro conditions, an oil from the region based on NOM-016-CRE-2016 was characterized, and by means of a battery of analytical techniques such as: blood-based agar method, collapsed drop, index and emulsion capacity, the production of biosurfactants was evaluated. The results showed that Aspegillus sp degraded 61% of the oil in a vertisol soil for 9 weeks, while the maximum production of biosurfactant was on the third day of establishing the experiment.
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