Espectroscopía ATR-FTIR y de correlación bidimensional (2dcos) aplicada a la caracterización de materiales lignocelulósicos
ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy, Cellulose, WoodAbstract
Cotton samples with different degrees of moisture content and 27 samples of pine wood of various species were analyzed using Attenuated Total Reflectance FTIR spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). A Two Dimensional Correlation Analysis (2DCOS) was performed with the spectra to stablish interactions between the functional groups of materials. Synchronous and asynchronous spectra of cellulose and wood allowed the establishment of molecular dynamics that occur when lignocellulosic compounds are subjected to a changue, and even to stablish the differences between them. In the case of wood, there was a notable improvement in the resolution of the bands, which facitates characterization. With 2DCOS spectra it was even posible to differentiate the behavioir of phenolic hydroxyls, which cannot be visualized with conventional ATR-FTIR spectra. In this way, 2DCOS analysis is a tool that significantrly complements FTIR spectroscopy.
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