Producción mejorada de bioetanol a partir de biomasa de eichhornia crassipes aplicando campos magnéticos
Bioethanol, Electromagnetic field, LignocelluloseAbstract
The study of electromagnetic fields applied to biotechnological processes like bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass represents a promising alternative to produce energy by reducing CO2, diversifying the energetic matrix. On this research the effect of electromagnetic fields; mT: (1, 3 and 5) upon the bioethanol yield obtained from Eichhornia Crassipes, indigenous to Soyataco lagoon, Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco México was studied. In order to evaluate the bioethanol yield throughout different electromagnetic fields, an experimental design was established. Such design incorporated a completely random factor and and using an ANOVA the best treatment was determined. Results obtained showed statistically significan differences between electromagnetic fields showing 27.714±13.25, D.E. and 24.236±11.75 D.E. for electromagnetic fields 1 mT and 5 mT respectively as well as obtaining a maximum yield of 35.818±D.E. for 3 mT
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