Proceso tecnológico para elaboración de plantas ornamentales en Atlixco, Puebla
Nursery , Mixed, SubstrateAbstract
This present work is related to the production of ornamental plants, which is part of the nursery industry. This activity in Atlixco is considered a fundamental part of tourism, since the production of diverse varieties, such as roses, geraniums, succulents, petunias, daisies, among others, attracts more tourists and plant enthusiasts. To obtain these plants, a series of activities are carried out, including: raw material ordering, transportation, storage, mixing to obtain the suitable substrate for plant growth and development, transplanting of seedlings/cuttings, transfer to the growth area, and finally, exhibition and sale. On the other hand, an analysis of all the mentioned activities is carried out through a time study using a chronometer to identify the operations that add value to the production and, as a result, obtain the cycle time.
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