Aprendizaje basado en problemas mediante el uso de ChatGPT en la asignatura de informática y programación
ChatGPT, Learning, ProgrammingAbstract
The objective of this work was to introduce, in a guided way, students to the use of ChatGPT for the generation of programming codes in Python language applied in the subject of Informatics and Programming, using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) technique. For this research we worked with groups of engineering students, who were assigned programming exercises with three levels of complexity: low, medium and high, according to the type of instructions to be used in the algorithm. Subsequently, they were asked to answer a perception survey to know their opinions about the use of this Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tool. According to the results, students showed greater interest in the use of this tool, improved the writing of prompts and expressed interest in continuing to use ChatGPT not only in this subject, but also in other disciplines.
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