Detección de depresión mediante procesamiento de fotogramas
Depression, facial expressions, sadnessAbstract
Abstract Depression is a mental disorder that exacts a high cost. Therefore, it is useful to design a support tool for its diagnosis. This project proposes to measure the mental disorder of depression in an individual by analysing facial expressions where repetitive sadness is detected as a factor related to depression; and a second auxiliary technique through the Montgomery test applied by experts in Psychology to verify the results obtained. Frames taken from a video are processed, where the face is located using Viola & Jones and characteristic BRISK points related to sadness. For facial expression recognition, FAGS (Facial Action Units System) is used; since the movement of the muscles is taken into account through the localized key points, of which through statistics it is recognized if there was a change caused by the movement. As a result, the system allows the detection of depression through graphs. Detection of depression is important when considering losses, especially after the pandemic period.
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