Análisis de la enseñanza del sistema de referencia cartesiano
Teaching, Cartesian, CompetenceAbstract
A tracking of the results in mathematics according to PISA (2018) shows that there is a lag in Colombia around the achievement of mathematics competence, only 1% achieves a higher level and is able to represent a simple situation. It is important to analyze in the field of teaching how concepts and topics such as the Cartesian reference system are developed and taught. The problem is addressed from the question: is the concept of the Cartesian reference system, which is taught in secondary school, in accordance with the level of performance of the mathematical competence that students must achieve? A literature review is carried out taking into account three aspects: the teaching of mathematics from contextual situations; mathematical competence and the teaching of coordinate systems. The study of coordinate systems is approached from the didactics of mathematics through situations in context, to respond to the competence standards used in Colombia, within the teaching of mathematics. The methodological design is based on an experimental investigation, with a research hypothesis and a general objective. The research hypothesis is: Students who receive instruction in Cartesian reference systems from contextual situations with different levels of complexity, present higher performances in mathematical competence than those who only receive instruction through the Cartesian plane tool, and the general objective is "to analyze how the teaching strategy of the Cartesian reference system from contextual situations with different levels of complexity is related to the development of mathematical competence in secondary school students."
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